v-jet group - Web development, App development, разработка сайтов, разработка мобильных приложений Logo

v-jet group - Web development, App development, разработка сайтов, разработка мобильных приложений

Информационные технологии

Про компанию


Don’t waste our time on fixes. We encourage everyone to produce work efficiently and effectively everyday. Every employee evolutionize technologies and makes the world better.


Respect everyone’s efforts. Company’s success is the result of dedicated teamwork, that’s why we appreciate everyone’s input. We esteem our clients, partners and employees.


Culture of mind, attitude, lifestyle, actions and society. We consider factors that make a team successful, understanding their organization's expectations and how they can attain their personal goals by effective participation.


Reliable and trustful relationships are a must. Both customers and company workers are involved into one ecosystem which requires to be in harmony. Trust makes working process to produce better.


Put the right priorities and choose the right moment for each activity. A vital part of any working process is the ability to keep the balance between work, family and hobby.

We are a team of creative designers and developers. For the past 4 years we have been successfully engaged in many outsource projects in the financial, manufacturing, healthcare, education, e-commerce and entertainment sectors. Since the first day of company’s presence in Ukraine, “v-jet group” spread its performance all over Europe and Asia. Nowadays we have stable offices in Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland and Kazakhstan. In the nearest future we are going to engage more countries into our community in order to spread technologies development and ease people’s lives.

До 100Cотрудников
2013Год основания




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